The aim of Powders & Grains 2025 is to share the recent
advances in the broad research field of granular media and
particulate suspensions. Contributions from experts around
the world will cover a wide range of topics.
Powders & Grains (www.powdersandgrains.org) is the premier
international scientific conference held every four years in
three different continents (Europe, America and Asia &
Oceania) since 1989. it brings together engineers, physicists
and applied mathematicians interested in the mechanics and
physics of granular media and particulate suspensions. It
distinguishes itself from other meetings on granular materials
by (1) the mixture of disciplines, (2) the unique single-session
talks, (3) the posters taking a prominent role and being
displayed throughout the conference, and (4) the refereed
conference papers published online before the meeting.
The past P&G conferences were held at (1) Clermont-Ferrand -
- France (1989), (2) Birmingham - England (1993), (3) Durham
- USA (1997), (4) Sendai - Japan (2001), (5) Stuttgart -
Germany (2005), (6) Golden - USA (2009), (7) Sydney -
Australia (2013), (8) Montpellier - France (2017) and (9)
Buenos Aires- Argentina (2021).

Powders & Grains 2025 will cover a range of oral talks and posters addressing both fundamental and applied scientific problems in granular media and suspensions, including:
- Rheology and constitutive modelling of granular media
- Kinetic theory of granular materials: granular gas, gas-solid suspension with cohesive & charged particles
- Jamming, rigidity and shear-thickening transitions
- Polydispersity, segregation, and pattern formation
- Geophysical (sand dune, avalanche, ..), environmental (dust storm, aerosols,..) and planetary (accretion disk, impact cratering) granular processes
- Geomaterials (soil, rock, concrete & minerals)
- Particulate multiphase flows (fluidization, sediment transport, ..) and porous media
- Particle-based numerical methods (DEM, MD, DSMC, MPM, Fast Spectral with AI / ML Technique etc.)
- Experimental methods for granular mechanics
- Emerging topics: Additive manufacturing & metamaterials, microgravity, tribo-charging and active particles
- Any Others
Goa, India’s smallest state, is located on its west coast, about 400 KM south of Mumbai. Goa’s beautiful beaches, ancient churches, historic forts, fresh seafood, and active nightlife make it one of India’s most visited states. It is bounded by the Arabian Sea on the west and by the states of Maharashtra on the north and Karnataka on the east and south. The capital is Panaji (Panjim), on the north-centra coast of the mainland district.